Category: Chosen to Shine

Pastor Schultz!

Today we say goodbye to a beloved Pastor. We did not attend his church, however, our children were blessed by him and his family, in many ways! He led chapel at Lutheran schools with great enthusiasm! He was well known for sharing his love for Christ through songs. On the night that our son Connor…

By MamaC May 29, 2017 1


Beautiful rainbow, color filled light. Sign of a promise, truly shining bright. A day of darkness, sealed without delay. Many long for peace, together we shall pray. The gift of life is brief, yet not eternal grief. In the blink of an eye, we look up to the sky. Never should we fear, the great…

By MamaC May 25, 2017 0

Get LIT!

Get what?!  What does LIT mean? Is it a celebration that catapults you into your future?  Do you see your potential there?  It is the light within us that is confusing, not the darkness.  The end or beginning of an era, brings questions to surface. Certainly you are a child of God. We all have a light…

By MamaC May 17, 2017 0

Choices, not always our own…

Yesterday I removed the “Truman Mom” decal I bought during parent weekend. It has taken me two years and four months to remove that decal. We still have his tubs of clothing and school supplies waiting to be gone through. Each week I think I will have the strength to look through them and move…

By MamaC February 21, 2017 2

What inspires you?

I love being surrounded by people that genuinely desire to help others. It doesn’t matter how big or small, just contributing to another’s success in this life is a gift to yourself. We all have talents. Do you know yours? There are coaches, teachers, detectives, nurses, translators, engineers, entrepreneurs all making a difference. Dads, moms,…

By MamaC February 7, 2017 0

*The rest of the story…

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Hours before our son left this earth, he called me asking a question. He always had a question. 🙂  He told me he had met a friend at school that was from another country. He did not believe this young man would be able to get home to his family…

By MamaC January 29, 2017 0

Risky business…

Everything is a risk. What if it doesn’t work out? What if I get sick? What if something bad happens? Oh dear friends, but what if it DOES work out! A conversation I vividly remember asking our son just before graduating high school was: If you had a “do over” what would you have done…

By MamaC October 29, 2016 1

Some days you just need to give a shout out to loved ones! This week my Uncle Larry was promoted to his heavenly home. He represented many things in his life. When I spoke to him recently, he was telling me he was grateful that our family, like his, adopted children. He was blessed as…

By MamaC October 27, 2016 0

Through the eyes of Claire…

Today marks two years since our son Connor was promoted to heaven.  Along with grief, loss brings about growth and choices.  The following has been written by our daughter Claire as her college entrance essay.  By God’s grace, wherever she chooses to serve in life, there will be benevolence flowing through her.  All of our…

By MamaC October 18, 2016 2


Two years ago today I was on a plane coming back from a work trip.  A young woman that happened to be Connor’s age sat down next to me.  She was joining her aunt and uncle for a visit from Utah to Missouri.  We spoke about family, my son in college, school, friendship and faith.…

By MamaC October 11, 2016 0

Gains from loss…

Our journey through grief has led to many gifts in this life we now lead. This week I watched as young people gathered together to help paint and restore donated furniture not knowing the story, yet willing to serve. I listened as my friend and servant, Dana, told the journey of how Restore Decor came…

By MamaC September 30, 2016 0