Pastor Schultz!

Pastor Schultz!

May 29, 2017 1 By MamaC

Today we say goodbye to a beloved Pastor. We did not attend his church, however, our children were blessed by him and his family, in many ways! He led chapel at Lutheran schools with great enthusiasm! He was well known for sharing his love for Christ through songs. On the night that our son Connor left this earth, he came to our home to comfort our children, as our own Pastor and Director of Christian Education were with John, my sister and me.  

Pastor Schultz’s daughter was watching over our youngest three when she received the call of urgency from the police, that our son had been in an accident. Her father came without delay, along with other leaders in both our elementary and high school. We are forever grateful for their kindness and know that this same family gathers together today and tomorrow to remember and honor Pastor Schultz!

I broke the news to our youngest two this morning as I knew they would be crushed by loss. However, they know and understand that Pastor Schultz is celebrating in the presence of our Creator. Mrs. Schultz taught them both in third grade and is a loving and amazing teacher.  Our family is grateful for the gift of Pastor Schultz! In honor of his memory, we celebrate “AT A TIME LIKE THIS” by “LEANIN ON THE LORD’S SIDE!” Thank you for teaching our children to trust in the Lord! Peace be with the Schultz family today and always!  In honor of his joy for music, below is our dedication to him.  We hope it brings a smile to your face as he did to ours!

With deep love and peace,

MamaC and Crew

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

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