Can you see the gift of His connections?

Can you see the gift of His connections?

February 8, 2021 0 By MamaC

I am forever grateful for the connections made through loss. To see God connecting us, even before we need one another, is amazing.

The night our son died, I was at a fundraiser for a mission trip, that our daughter had encouraged me to go on. That evening, we met the medical team with whom we would be serving.

As the evening ended, I collapsed in the parking lot, processing the news that our son had been hit by a car and was non responsive. There were nurses standing by to make sure I was okay. They served next to me three months later, as I witnessed those we served, endure more loss than I could ever imagine. My heart was forever changed to appreciate the years I had with our son.

Three years later a nurse, on that same mission team, lost her son. I was in shock as I immediately understood it was my turn to pray with her. Through the eyes of grief, so much becomes obvious, for this I am grateful.

He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32

Peace & Blessings,
