When the world stopped…

When the world stopped…

April 11, 2020 1 By MamaC

My phone rang.  It was my good friend Sarah, who is a Trauma Nurse at St. Louis University Hospital.  She was on her way to work, again.  Like most in the medical field, she has been working long hours away from her family.  

In her usual cheery voice, she shared this story with me… 

Last night I was working with a pulmonary nurse.  The nurse, Emily, began telling me about a patient that she cared for a couple of years ago at Barnes Hospital.  She said he had been on the forefront of her mind, working and living in such uncertain, fear filled times.  

She went on to describe this young mans fearless, solid character.  When she first met him and saw his chart, she knew his prognosis was poor.  Yet, each time she spoke with him, he was making plans for his future.  He was a senior in high school and spoke with excited anticipation of prom and graduation.  

He was a handsome, talented basketball player and had attended all the games he was able, while undergoing treatment for cancer.  

In the Fall of his senior year, just before his 18th birthday, he had been given the shocking diagnosis of Ewing Sarcoma.  

After aggressive treatment did not stop the spread of cancer, doctors amputated the lower portion of his leg, two short months after diagnosis.  This nurse, was stunned by his will to live and thrive in such pain and loss.  He just kept smiling.

My friend Sarah began to realize this story seemed all too familiar.  She pulled up our friends son on Face Book and asked if he was the young man that left such a stoic impression on her life.  Indeed, it was him!  Of ALL the patients they work with, God brought these two nurses together and Adam Behrhorst was the center of the connection! 

As my friend shared this story, tears flowed down my face. Loss was all too familiar.  Sarah’s son, Ben, was promoted to heaven just seven weeks prior to Adam at the age of 25. 

Nurse Sarah has the opportunity to touch people’s lives when they need it the most.  They are in her care in dire circumstances.  As a mother that has also lost a child, she knows what is important.  She called me, to share God’s light with Adams family, which I did.  They gave their blessing to share this with you.  

We are not remembered by what happens to us, but how we respond to those circumstances.    

Nurse Emily will never forget Adam, the strength of his family and the character he displayed in dark times.

In the middle of a pandemic, in a different hospital than where he was treated, conversation between two nurses, discussing the character of an 18 year old patient, named Adam.  He will forever be remembered by those lives he touched. 

When the world stops, we have time to Look Up and see HIS gifts that surround us!  

Peace & Blessings,


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 – Adam’s Baptismal Verse