Why is there a “u” in Good Mourning?
Good Mourning! Are you one that wakes up excited with anticipation for what adventure the day will bring? For as long as I can remember, that was my mindset. As I walked outside, I would pray for the sun to be shining! Life was good!
Five years ago, in an instant, life changed. At 10 pm on a Saturday night, we received the dreaded call our son was “non-responsive” and being airlifted to a trauma center. He was crossing the street at dusk, nine weeks into his freshman year of college and was hit by a car. The inside of a helicopter was the last place he took a breath.
Morning’s were now excruciating. I spent most nights wondering which one of my multitude of sins could this be payment for. What could I have done or said differently to save our son from his fate? If only I had been there to help him….If I was able to sleep at all, my eyes opened with the HOPE that it was simply ALL a nightmare.
How can one keep an attitude of gratitude when who we dearly loved was ripped away? My motivation and he that bounded down the hallway into our bedroom asking what the day would hold for us, was no more. The realization of loss would begin again each day as I crawled out of bed. The burden was exhausting and overwhelming. We must pray that our eyes be opened to the purpose of it all. It is normal to be angry, hurt and sad. Never, ever, quit praying, He WILL answer.
Obviously, my pleading prayers and desire that our son’s life would be extended, had not been answered to MY will. My eyes and heart began to see how the grace of God had been carrying us. He did not answer my prayers yet he DID answer others. Sometimes when God says NO to us, He is saying YES to others.
Through prayer, He opened my eyes to the people in HIS perfect places holding doors open as we received that call, to find paper to write the trauma center number down; gather our children together surrounded by love to hear the news of their brother’s passing; seal the request that our son indicated in organ donation; buy real estate for his memorial; retrieve his belongings from the university he attended; our church family providing food; business friends bringing his favorite ice cream; our friends sending cards and flowers; our son’s friends lifting us up with their music and voices singing praise, to HE who gifted us this beautiful young man to begin with!
The people that received our son’s organ donation’s (65 of them!) had answered prayers. Many that loved music benefited from his violin for 14 years. Those that longed to have a friend that made them laugh and be comforted, had their prayers answered. Summer campers may have enjoyed his energy as a leader and master of silliness. A family was blessed with the joy of a grandson, nephew, cousin, brother, and son. A girl or two may have enjoyed his company on dating adventures. Seeing life through the eyes of grief CAN be a gift.
Good Mourning with a “U” adds our son in each day. Once we love someone, they never fade away. If you have lost a loved one you understand grief. I pray you know that your Mornings are a bit different, but they DO include the “U” in YOUR heart. We will never be the same as we were before our loved one, nor after their departure. Good Mourning is about healing and healing is good.
Peace, love and blessings to you!
My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. Psalm 119:28