The essence of Mourning

The essence of Mourning

June 8, 2019 0 By MamaC

Mourning is when we take the grief we have on the inside and express it outside of ourselves. Making the choice to not just grieve but authentically mourn provides us the courage to live through the pain of loss and be transformed by it. Dr. Alan Wolfelt 

Six years ago today we were arriving with our son Connor at the United States Naval Academy, for a week long Summer Seminar.  He applied to test the waters of the military life he felt called too and was honored to be accepted. It was the first time he had ever been away from his family.  He had been to camp, where we volunteered as counselors, but never on his own.  He was nervous, yet thrilled!  

As parents, we may have been slightly nervous leaving our first born child 12 hours away….instead we conveniently enjoyed Annapolis during the time he was at the Academy. 🙂

He was ecstatic after a week of adventures, learning and growth. The enthusiasm in his voice and his infectious smile, as we met to bring him home, are forever seared in my mind.  Oh, the memories he created in one short week were incredible!  His instructors shook our hands as they spoke of the inspirational, humorous, leader they saw in our son.  Our hearts were overflowing!

Never in my life, did I imagine one short year later we would be walking by faith, without our beautiful boy.  

It’s been nearly five years now.  Not an hour goes by that he is not in our thoughts. There are days, that my eyes leak continuously, as I exclaim how ridiculous the waterworks are. 

The essence of mourning running down my face reminds me, to look up and open my eyes wide, as it keeps the extract of sadness slightly contained. In this moment,  I remember our sons words: “look up and be happy,” and I smile.   

Good Mourning, 


Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Photo: Connor United States Naval Academy June 2014

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