Cheers to 21!

Cheers to 21!

July 31, 2018 0 By MamaC

Thirteen years after they met on our front porch, she walked into our home.  I couldn’t help but smile.  I recognized those eyes and curls as soon as she walked through the door.  They did not remember each other, but I knew instantly.

In the year 2000, a spunky little girl stopped to play on our front porch.  Our son was five.  She was three.  They played trains together.  I smiled from the swing.  Life was good.  

On July 31st, 2013 I received an excited call from our son.  “Hi Mom!  I’m with my friends and we are celebrating two birthday’s tonight!  A girl turned 16 today and I will be 18 at midnight!”  My Mom reply, “Tell her Happy Birthday and be home soon!”

Over time, friendship ensued.  They complimented each other well and shared many an adventure.  After our son left this earth, I was blessed to receive a call from her.  Natalie easily became an integral part of our family.  We felt blessed by her presence in our lives. She visited often.  She loved our family unconditionally through loss.  She was there for the good and the grief.  We are forever grateful.

In the Fall of 2016, I met a mom whose son was leaving for a new career, taking him far away from her.  She shared her concerns and great love for her son.  My heart understood this.  I respected her and we became friends.

Two years passed into this summer of 2018.  I noticed a light shining from Natalie.  I asked, “why the big smile?”  She grinned as she showed me a photo.  It took my breath away.  It was my friend’s son.  They had met while he was home for a few weeks.  He brought that smile!

I realize not everyone sees faith as I do…yet, how incredible! What are the chances that the little girl on our front porch would become the young woman that has kept hold of our hearts. People are absolutely placed in our lives for a reason. These two young people live 3,000 miles apart, yet they met this summer.  “The Reckless love of God” lyrics race through my mind.  “There’s no shadow you won’t light up, mountain you won’t climb up, coming after me.”  God’s love is eternal.  His plan is unexpected, yet beautiful.  A glimpse of Him, working in all things, takes my breath away.  I pray for joy and love as Natalie celebrates today!  Cheers to 21!  May this year be filled with much happiness and many blessings!

MamaC and Crew

I have told you these things so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.  John 15:12-13

Photo Cred:  Jill Heupel Photography 2016

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