Giving thanks…
This morning I asked our youngest children how they knew that God answered them when they prayed. I was stunned by the answer.
We discussed what they thought God would post on social media. How would he respond? We thought about how nice it would be if God had a cell phone. We could call, talk to Him and He would simply answer us. Instant answers! Isn’t that what we expect today?
Instead, we go through life asking God for all sorts of things, yet hearing nothing back. He didn’t save people when we asked. He didn’t heal the sick, when we asked. The promotion at work didn’t go to us. We didn’t get the answer we prayed for. WHY would He NOT give us what WE want?!
God may answer yes, or no, or simply wait. Walking by faith may sound easy. It’s not. It means trusting in God all day, all night and everywhere in between. When darkness surrounds us we begin to worry. Sometimes we feel broken beyond repair. It is only then that light can be seen. Hope shines through the cracks.
I asked our youngest two children if they prayed before they became a part of our family. The answer was yes. If you didn’t have a phone to call him and he didn’t write you a letter how do you know that God heard you and answered your prayers? This was an honest question that brought an unexpected answer, “I prayed that someone would adopt us and love us no matter what. I know that God answers prayers because He answered mine.”
I cried. We never planned on adopting two children. We never planned on losing our first born child at age 19. We prayed and He answered so many times! Little did we know what our journey would include! I am thankful for all of the challenging times life has shown us. Everything is a gift, even when it comes disguised as a tragedy.
Thank you GOD for giving us what we do not ask for, showing us how much we truly need you and loving us throughout.
Happy November,
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Photo: Our party of five, Fall 2014.