Climbing mountains…

Climbing mountains…

January 14, 2017 0 By MamaC

Imagine starting out without basic needs being met for years. Being moved from the only place you knew, although a tough place to be.  Blessed to be taken care of, yet not your permanent home.  Directed again to a new family, feeling stability for four years, only to lose a brother that loved you dearly.

I tell you truly, you are a beautiful child of God inside and out. Never have I met someone self taught in so many things that interest you. If only people would take the time to see who you really are and how much you have overcome.  Internal injuries do not show on our faces, just our heart and minds. I believe God has made a way for me to understand your losses to a small degree. For this I am grateful.

When others tease you, I see your pain. When you are open and honest you get hurt.  They do not live in your shoes or walk the miles you have. You are stronger than most anyone I have known.  Do not let others deceive your heart, for they know not what they do.   I love that you tell me “it’s okay”, even when it’s not. You are amazing.

Today, as I was on the phone with work, you knew not to interrupt. Yet the door creaked open and as I looked up… I saw a cup of coffee being offered, just the cup, an arm and a heart of gold.

You are a miracle that I thank God for everyday!

Love you,


“Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten” – Lilo & Stitch.

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