Gratitude changes everything…

Gratitude changes everything…

August 6, 2016 1 By MamaC

I am strong, because I have been weak.
I am fearless, because I have been afraid.
I am wise, because I have been foolish.
I am blind, because I have faith.
I am loved, because He first loved me.
I am grateful, because of eternal life. MamaC

I hear people say that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle in this life. Truly I say to you…I believe He most certainly DOES! He gives us the unimaginable, so that determined, sinful, self-righteous, people like myself realize they MUST turn to Him for help. Many times in my life, mostly good times, I have felt things were really rolling my way because of something I had accomplished. I earned it, right?!  So, does this mean that I earned losing our child as well? Believe me, I have spent the past 21 months pondering many things that have to do with my faith and God.

This past week I read of a tragic accident that involved the loss of Dad, Mom and three small children working to be a mission family. Why would God let this happen to people that are doing such good in our world? This family’s church response, clearly expressed my heart. “We weep and mourn and ache together as a church family in a specific way. Some look at death and see a tragedy – the tragic end of all their hopes and dreams. As Christians, we look death in the face and see the ultimate victory, not tragedy, because Jesus defeated sin and death for all of His people. Facing death without Jesus is an eternal tragedy – weeping that never ends. While we grieve, we rise up with resurrection faith as we embrace together our blessed hope that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.

People, mainly those with a deep love for a child, ask us how we keep moving forward. We pray to our Father.  We look for His answers, that are sometimes right in front of us and that He open our eyes to see them.  We celebrate the fact that our son is NOT dead, but more ALIVE than ever because of the GRACE of God that is ours in Jesus Christ!

The difficult part is that he is not physically with us for all that we would like. Our children are gifts from God. He can take them as easily as He gave them. Ultimately, we are all His children anyway. The love for our children is immeasurable, just as He loves us. This does not delete the fact that we miss our child every moment. It does not mean that when we see others doing things that our child should be doing, it doesn’t hurt our inner core.  Loss involves pain.  Your loss is as great as your love.  We have great love and always will.  Our faith and family is what has turned desperation into inspiration to move forward. We also have been gifted the ability our child taught many.  Take time to find the good in each situation, walk outside, look up to God’s creation and be grateful, always.  When you are grateful your heart is filled with happiness.

Peace & Blessings,


Photo:  Our son Calvin, one year ago at Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas…showing honor as his brother did, to all of God’s creation.  His “loss lesson” words are:  fear of loss is gone as it has been realized.  He is wiser, stronger and more grateful today than yesterday.  Find the good.

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