Are you adopted?

Are you adopted?

December 23, 2015 0 By MamaC

Five years ago today our family forever officially grew!  As we arrived in the courtroom with our team of supporters, the judge smiled as he announced we would need a larger room to accommodate our crew!  It was a celebration from the beginning.  Adopting two children who were not gifted an easy start in life, was one of the hardest things I had experienced…until this past year.  Now I have been gifted eyes in my heart that may understand a tiny bit of what their loss must be.  ANYTHING worth doing is never easy!  I have told our children this forever and now remind myself daily.  We have been blessed through tragedy more than once!  The following is what adoption has meant to our family…

True love is unconditional.FullSizeRender-1

Hearts forgive while minds remember.

Adoption is an act of God not people.

Giving grace is grand.

Internal injuries confuse others.

Family is good, even when family is bad.

Children have the biggest hearts.

Forgiveness is powerful.FullSizeRender-2

God gives you what you need.

Parenting any child is a privilege.

Adoption is proportionally loss and gain.

Family is not about who you give birth to.

Your life plan is already laid out for a reason.

Sometimes you need help and that is okay, just ask.

A life filled with giving is a life worth experiencing.

Our lives have truly been blessed by adoption.

Always live life shining through Him and you will never be in darkness.

Remember to walk outside, look up and be happy!

Happy Adoption Day!  My love forever…MamaC

I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you.  John 14:18





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