To Everything there is a season
Some things you never forget, some days are harder than others. In 1977 I was enjoying my 7th grade music class at Coolidge Jr. High School. Our teacher played guitar and taught us the song, Turn! Turn! Turn! by the Byrds. We sang it all semester and I loved it! It holds distinction as the #1 hit with the oldest lyrics from Ecclesiastes 3:1-4. It was ranked #80 on October 23rd 1965 and #1 on December 4th, a quick 42 days later. Yes kids, it was also in the movie Forrest Gump. Never have I felt these words as I have today…never have the days from October to December felt so long and by God’s grace, they still bring a smile…walking by faith…MamaC. (In case you were wondering, Santa did put a lamp in the tree.)
Just love you.
Lauri you are such an inspiration. I am sending prayers your way. God Bless