Terms of Endearment

Terms of Endearment

December 16, 2014 2 By MamaC

Connor loved people.  Our son had a way with making others feel special.  He was a good friend and confidant to many.  One of his earthly possessions  I received was his phone.  In it were hundreds of contacts with strange names.  I do not believe he left many people without renaming them within some humor and love.  Hence, the Doctor…which he titled himself, after his good friend Marie had thanked him for his gruff medical advice regarding her shin splints, “walk it off.”  He immediately changed his Twitter name to Dr. C ham, which he grew into.  I am not sure who received the photo above, but it is him and apparently proof.

When I see his friends today I must ask, what is your REAL name and why in the world did he call you this?  Connor’s Truman ROTC went on a weekend training.  Military boots were new and caused blisters on their feet.  As his friend Hannah took off her socks and boots her bright pink toe nails were revealed…she quickly earned her “Combat Barbie” name.  I am still wondering how “Bean sprout” came about.  “Lim Dugong” was born out of comments late one night in discussions about a research paper thanks to auto correct while texting.  Forever after, his friend Abby and he referred to each other with the same name.  This morning I woke to this poem from Lim Dugong to Lim Dugong.  Much love to you Lim!  MamaC



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