Terrific teens

November 11, 2014 0 By MamaC

I have always loved people.  During this time of loss and grief, it is no different!  Connor’s friends have come from far and near to visit with us at our home over these past three weeks.  Some share funny stories of him and others just listen while I tell my own.  It is healing to talk and share memories with those lives he touched.  Connor and I talked or texted everyday.  Sometimes just to say hello but mostly he told me of his adventures.  “Mom!  I just swallowed two goldfish!”  “Mom! The stars in Kirksville are beautiful!”  “Mom!  Guess who just filled four washers and dryers?!”  Well, I am thankful you are doing your laundry…

Thank you to our family and friends that have helped us make it through such a loss and continue to hold us each day.  Peace and blessings to his friends that have spoken to me these past 24 days that Connor has not.  I pray you keep remembering and coming over to talk…and eat.  😀  Love to you all!

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