Babies heal hearts…
This evening, our quiet corner where Connor’s violins hang, was filled with music! Two of our Chosen Palooza performers, Rosie and Marie, practiced at our home. (Video below) What a blessing! I am overwhelmed and grateful for all of the young adults in our growing group of SHINE!
This week has been rough with the stress of planning an event like our concert and praying it all goes well. I was doubting myself and questioned if I was the only one that really had a passion for our group. It is a non profit, so everyone is volunteer. Believe me, I understand busy and appreciate all of the people that are putting time, energy and resources into our group! As doubts filled my head, God filled my heart with messages from others about Chosen to Shine…
A high school friend sent me a message via Facebook. I started to say “old” high school friend, but then wait, what would that mean? 😀 She was an angel, sent with a message to me, at just the right moment. She told me that out of deep pain, ministry is born, whether we feel trained or adequate. He has been preparing us for a lifetime or a season in ministry. How did she know what I was going through at that moment? These events are not coincidence. Thank you my friend!
Today, one of our Chosen to Shine members, Samantha, sent me the photo above singing in North Carolina on her mission trip. SHINE on Sam! We can’t wait to see the video!
Tonight, one of Connor’s friends and college board member of Chosen to Shine, posted what she felt about our group. I humbly share with you, this team of young adults and parents that are working together to create SHINE every day! Here are Molly’s words…
“This past year has been a year full of huge challenges, not only for me but for a lot of my very close friends. Losing two people I loved in such a short time was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. And seeing my Camp Piasa family go through so much pain was close to unbearable, but this group of people is what got me through it. It is so important during hard times to find that thing that will make you smile no matter what, and that’s what these people did for me. Chosen To Shine is our newborn non-profit organization with a goal to help other people see the silver lining, even when all they can see is darkness. Our goal is to create volunteer opportunities for teens with fun, safe events that teens like me can attend in our communities. Our first event is a music festival being hosted at the Wildey Theatre next Thursday July 30th! The musical talent that our group can dish out is amazing to say the least. So don’t miss out and buy your ticket soon! All proceeds will help get our non-profit off the ground. Connor Cunningham and Jordan always tried their best to radiate positivity and to make everyone feel special. That is what we hope to do for you. #ChosenToShine #ShineOn” Thank you for your sharing your heart Molly!
This week I felt like Jonah, trying to run from something that God placed on my heart. I felt like I was drowning, not only in grief, but the stress of responsibilities to do my best with Chosen to Shine. It is easy to get caught up in what WE are trying to do, instead of letting HIM guide our lives. A simple reminder that he is driving anyway. So… a whale picked me up, spit me out, showed me a newborn and reminded me to look up and be happy! Peace & Blessings! MamaC
Talent shown below…tickets available at the Wildey Theatre!