Do you see the blessings in your life?

Do you see the blessings in your life?

March 20, 2016 0 By MamaC

I was in a sad frame of mind yesterday.  People were getting me down and I was allowing it to happen.  All the while I was telling our children not to worry, things will be okay.  We all meet new friends and God gives us blessings, we only need to look for them.  I was NOT opening my eyes to blessings, just my mouth in disappointment, until midday yesterday.  Do you have those days or weaks?

Before noon, I found myself speaking with a person I had just met.  I felt that we had known each other for years, new friend!  Blessing #1.

I spent the morning receiving messages from my husband, about how our oldest daughter played a sport she loves and received pics of her smiling with teammates. Blessing #2.

Basketball son spent the morning playing the sport he loves.  He was grateful for new friends on his team and an opportunity to gain experience.  Blessing #3

Holding a special two year old on my lap and drawing pictures together.  Blessing #4.

Spending an hour in a craft store with our three youngest children that helped me and gave their opinions when I asked.  I also squeezed in a hug from an unexpected friend, in the check out line.  Blessing #5.

The sprinkles on my ice cream today, was a text from Connor’s friends, Maggie & Jack that they would like to stop by for a visit.  Blessing #5.

Our kids were SO excited that they kept asking every few minutes, “how long until they get here?”  “Will Jack play the guitar for us?  Do you think Maggie will let me braid her hair?”  Thankfully, they gave a thumbs up to both.  Jack even played “Let it go” as he sang with Callie.  🙂

Connor’s friends visiting are like getting a visit with our son.  They know, they understand and they loved him just as we do.  It is a difficult heart beat to describe, but it helps us heal.  I pray they realize how their time with us is more valuable than any gift one could buy…AND spending 5 hours with our family probably deserves a medal all in itself.  🙂

John and Claire arrived back in town just in time to meet us for a late dinner with them as well…Blessing #6

Family, together with friends and sharing stories, is a HUGE blessing.  They are all around us and I have probably missed a few even from yesterday!

I truly believe that no matter what obstacles are put in our paths, it is our choice to look for the blessings.  They ARE there.  Each night I think, if today was my last day on this earth, was it the best day ever?  Did I pray, love, help, laugh, make a friend, give a hug, spend time with family?  If I cannot answer yes, I pray that I am allowed another day tomorrow.  Yesterday my day began with sadness and disappointment yet, it was also filled with unexpected blessings and happiness.  When things are looking down, always remember to look up and be thankful!



Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.  Psalm 21:6

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”

―William Shakespeare