Beautiful blessings…

Beautiful blessings…

August 12, 2015 1 By MamaC

Everyone has a story.  This year mine has been about blessings.  My memory has quickly faded throughout these past few months with grief.  However, I do not forget the extraordinary kindness expressed by so many.  Letters I receive in the mail from old friends are kept with love.  Day after day, people unexpectedly lift us up…

As Claire drove into school at Metro East Lutheran High this week to help with orientation, she saw the sign above.  What an unexpected, beautiful gift in memory of our son!  We have not been prepared for the thoughtfulness that continues to be showered upon our family.  Thank you to the person that was responsible for this tribute!  Kindness is your soul’s way of finding a place inside others hearts.  Thank you!!


This month our children gave us this card.  They wrote in the card, thanking us as their parents, for sacrifices and strength through these past many months!  WOW!  Attached to the inside was a gift card for dinner with a commitment of child care for the evening.  This was done completely by them, no adults involved.  These are the things that continue to bring me to my knees with thanksgiving.  Connor would be so happy with what they have done and how strong THEY continue to be for us all!  

Earlier this year, I needed to drive to Kansas for work.  I felt a deep fear grip me.  This was this same drive we took in the middle of the night, to the hospital last October.  It was also the drive I had made twice a month, no problem, before October.  This time it stopped me in my tracks.  My better half, suggested I call one of Connor’s friends that attended school at the University of Missouri.  It was the halfway mark on my journey.  He wisely suggested that we meet for dinner to break up my drive.  When I asked Connor’s friend Hannah, she accepted immediately!  I was thankful and felt confident I could make it to see her.  Upon my arrival, I was greeted by not ONE, but FOUR of Connor’s friends!  We talked, laughed, ate and hugged goodbye.  I was expecting I would need to stay near Mizzou that night.  Thanks to these big hearted young adults, I was able to drive on to Kansas!  Your time and thoughtfulness will never be forgotten…


I know that over these past 10 months, there have been too many blessings to count!  Some days, my mind misplaces things, but I never forget the love and support we have been given by friends, family and even those unknown to us.

Thankful for you all!
