This virus is really changing my perspective!
This morning I received a text with the title of this blog post. It continued with the truth of many things we take for granted and how much we have to be thankful for.
This early morning text left the following words on my heart…
We are ALL beginning to understand loss and grief on a deeper level.
Freedom, health and lives are being taken.
When God took our son home, the pain seemed unbearable. The crushing reality of losing the most precious gift known.
His lungs were punctured by broken ribs, from the impact of a moving car, as he crossed the street, nine weeks into his freshman year of college.
He frantically ran, fighting as he gasped for air, collapsing a block away, alone on the ground.
Air froze my lungs in shock and grief. I fell to my knees in desperate pleas of prayer, asking “WHY”, and shouting “NO!”
As I gasped for air, oxygen flooded my body as a return of prayer.
Over time, the realization of my blindness to His blessings, occurred. Our son was never alone.
WHO we are and ALL we HAVE, are truly GIFTS from God.
His ultimate gift was given today, Good Friday. The WILLING SACRIFICE of HIS ONLY SON.
Repentant believers in Christ, will never be without our loved ones. We are forever united by the gift and unbreakable bond of love. We will be reunited in heaven.
IF our loved ones were not saved in Christ, we will not know this loss again. In heaven there is no pain, grief or sorrow, for God is merciful. God IS love.
High above the fearful chaos in this world, is a Power no virus can hold. His name is Jesus. He has promised to return.
See the gifts, not the fear. Relentlessly praise Him AS HE GIVES AND TAKES!
He is the reason we are here. Our purpose is clear in HIM.
Share in pain and sorrow today as He hung on the cross for OUR sins, not HIS!
He carries our burden of sin in darkness and death. He hung on the cross for us all!
Prepare for Sunday when we will shout “He is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!” Thanks be to God!
Jesus is the light of the world! Amen!
Peace & Blessings,
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4