When nothing makes sense.
We hear “God is good” when outcomes are as we desire.
Dear friends…God is PRESENT and GOOD, EVEN when bad things happen.
Four years and forty days from this photo taken in 2010, our party of seven was tragically and unexpectedly reduced to six.
Never in my life did I imagine losing a child. Never did the thought enter my mind that our first born son, would leave this earth before me.
The pain still exits my eyes at the most inconvenient times.
I no longer try to hide or wipe it away.
A quick nineteen years ago, I vividly recall, mountains of fear in the hospital delivery room. Peering down at my belly, full with child, I exclaimed, “Dear Lord! I cannot do this!”
My husband smiled as he reminded me, I truly had no choice.
The day of his visitation I crumbled and cried out, God! I CANNOT do this!
Understanding no alternative, I bargained in prayer.
Dear Lord… if ONLY you will lift our family this day and the next, I will shine your light for eternity.
Dear Lord… Our son’s friends need to see what faith looks like.
Dear Lord… I KNOW you are a stronghold and refuge in times of trouble.
And the Lord answered me in Isaiah 41:10:
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
For the past two weeks, I have been angry.
Praying for grace and thankfulness towards those that do not understand sudden, traumatic loss. Loss that we are ALL experiencing now.
Recently, I was blessed with a new work position that has come to a complete halt. Financial stress is real.
Yet, on our team call, I witnessed a beautiful prayer. In all my years of working, I have NEVER experienced GODS LOVE in the WORKPLACE, AS I DID THIS WEEK!
We have a senior in high school that just lost his last season of volleyball where he shines. Prom is cancelled and we are not sure of graduation.
I see parents and students alike expressing outrage. Disappointment in loss of earthly rites of passage, yet…ALL I SEE IS THAT TODAY, HE LIVES!
Two weeks ago, we received a call that our daughter was in a car accident. She was not hurt but her car was totaled.
Currently, we see no way to replace her car.
These were to be her last few weeks of college classes, before next Fall and a year long student teaching. It will now be spent on-line at home.
She would much rather be at school studying, working and living life with her amazing friends.
YET! We are blessed with a HOME. SHE IS IN IT, AND ALIVE!
My husbands 25 year career included a vehicle that will soon be taken during a time that we cannot afford to replace it.
YET, the blessing of employment remains.
Today, God reminded me of grace.
Today, God gifted me words over disappointment and anger.
Today, I pray that eyes are opened, to see gifts in grief and grace.
Know that in ALL times, God is with us and He will NOT forsake us!
Daily, we have opportunity to see Gods unfailing love. It is there.
Open your heart. Read HIS word from the Bible. There is no substitute.
Have faith in His purpose, even when nothing makes sense.
Peace & Blessings,
Thank God Claire’s okay!
God is good.