Why Good Mourning?

Why Good Mourning?

June 3, 2019 0 By MamaC

Grief is the shock of loss.  Mourning begins healing.  Nearly 5 years ago, we unexpectedly lost our oldest son, at age 19.  The day of his funeral, this blog came to life.  Our journey was written with the intent of helping others understand child loss, through the eyes of grief. 

Weekly, I receive messages from families and friends of those that have lost a child.  Their questions remain the same:

What do I do for them?  How can I help?  What can I give them? 

Each time the answer is the same.  Prayer, time, speak their child’s name, be there for them, listen without advice, walk with them, make sure they eat, help clean their home, and hug them.  Basic needs are left undone, as they simply try to breath again.  

Daily, it has and continues to be, an eye opening journey through loss.  I believe God’s plan is His perfect desire for our lives.  If we open our broken hearts to Him and know that He is a loving God, desiring our full heart to serve Him, we will see His plan for our life unfolding.  Loss has brought excruciating sadness, but NOT loss of hope!

The first two years after loss, sleep was a luxury.  When rest was gifted, I opened my eyes in the morning and literally gasped for air, in hopes that it was all just a nightmare.  I prayed our son would bound into our room as he did so often before, asking our plans for the day?  I did not wake up full of hope anymore.  I woke up in devastation of our new reality.  There were no more ~ Good Mornings.

Today I can tell you, I no longer gasp for air when I wake.  

The first thing I see, is a picture titled, “Children of God.”  It is Jesus surrounded by children with the following verse: 

“Let the little children come to me: for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”  Matthew 19:14 

This beautiful print was the first Mother’s day gift from my husband, 24 years ago.  It has always been displayed so that I can see it as I wake.  It’s position was in place, long before I understood.  

Today I rise,  filled with the purpose, of a Good Mourning. The mission placed on my heart, is to help connect parents, hoping to realize the gifts through loss, by God’s grace.  

I began to seek people that were not simply surviving, but could see God working through their loss. My hope is for parents of faith, alike in child loss, being able to connect through our “Good Mourning Circle” of friends.   Our membership site will be opening soon. It is meant to lift, encourage and give a safe place of connecting those that have walked this path.

Good Mourning is to wake each day finding joy where Christ is, knowing that He will cover us and be our strength as we trust in Him.  We will never be the same people again, but we can find the purpose through the pain. Discovering joy in the mourning is not only possible, it’s crucial.  

Peace & Blessings,


P.S. If you know of someone that may be in need of this connection, please subscribe and share this blog, as additional information will be available soon.