Are you Connor’s Dad?
Recently, my husband was treating our youngest two with dinner out. As they looked over the menu he noticed a waitress looking their way. She stopped at their table and asked, “Are you Connor’s dad?” Surprised, he answered, “yes!” She explained that her college roommate was a good friend of our son. She felt she knew him from the many stories that were shared. She introduced herself and asked if she could give the kids a hug. They smiled at the mention of their brother and quickly obliged. My husband teared up as he repeated the words to me, “Are you Connor’s dad?” He wasn’t upset by the question. He was experiencing the love of being Connor’s dad again, real time. Thank you to the kind soul that spoke up when she did! What a wonderful gift!
When women marry, we add Mrs. to a new last name. The blessing of children bring the honor of Dad and Mom. We attend functions simply known as our child’s parents. These name changes occur in life without a second glance. The titles are a privilege we never expect to lose.
Our faith is tested. Being grateful is an option. Every single day, we are blessed in some way. Today, I would like to encourage you to Look Up, versus looking down at our wounds. Do not lose heart. We have been redeemed through Christ. Lift your eyes to the heavens and remember how much you are loved! Know that you are never alone.
Peace & blessings,
Lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2
Photo: August 1, 1995 ~ John 27 years, Connor 27 minutes.