Pain is the fuel of passion.
Recently I heard a young person say that they were NOT following their passion in college as it just wasn’t practical. So the student had decided to MINOR in the subject of their PASSION. Is “minoring passion” an oxymoron?
In July of 2013 our son tweeted, “Walk outside, look up, be happy.” Those six words encompassed his life. He loved the outdoors, the sky, stars, natural beauty and being happy. What does “Look up be happy” mean? He went out of his way to make others smile. His passion was in helping others find joy in life. God gave him a heart to help others. After his passing, those words – out of the many he so freely gave – began this blog. God allowed me to pour love into our first born son for 19 years. My hope is that a bit of God’s love will forever shine through these words.
We are taught as young people that happiness in life is possible. As we experience life, we may become cynical. We may develop a WHY ME? attitude. Forever we ask, why do bad things happen to good people? How can we be happy with all the tragedy life brings? We exclaim, this world is a mess!
I have learned that happiness is not a goal to seek. It does not happen TO us, but IN us. It cannot be “found.” Pursuing it is a waste. It is not a goal to achieve. It is not found in “control.” Happiness is not pleasure, as that is temporary. It is not survival or a destination. It is not about a life without problems or found on an expensive vacation. It is not knowing what you should be when you grow up. It is not found in another person, a high paying career, or material items.
Happiness MAY be found by connecting with people, serving others, being positive in all that you do, knowing that we all sin and that things will continue to go wrong. It is bouncing back after negativity, appreciating and accepting ALL of God’s people. Happiness is found in making time for daily adventures and CERTAINLY being a part of something bigger than yourself. I’ve been told it is found in exercising. 🙂
Everyone desires it and God has placed it within each of us. Happy people see things in terms of gain, not loss. Happiness is a way of living. It is choosing to shine in darkness. For me, this means walking by faith in God’s light. It is seeing the positive over the negative. It means being happy while still missing loved ones. It is knowing that God is sovereign. It is trusting that even when there is barely money left in your checking account with bills due, He can miraculously provide. It is during those times that happiness is realized in awe of God’s grace. GOD GIVES US the gift of happiness by pursuing and trusting in Him with our whole being. Relentlessly seeking Him daily, in all things, not just once a week.
Little known fact: I love ice cream (and sarcasm). The cone, cup, bowl or container it comes in does not matter. It is the goodness inside that brings a smile.
I pray that “Looking up, being grateful and knowing that God loved you enough to give HIS only son to die, so that YOU may have eternal life will bring peace.” Look up today! Realize the magnificence of WHO and HOW we have been gifted in this life.
Please consider: “Happiness is not the purpose of life, but what lives inside us all, waiting to be woken up, through our trust and faith in Christ.”
Peace & Blessings,
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite. Psalm 147:3-5