Never give up.
Look Up Be Happy is a motto. It is also where hope and knowledge is shared. Wisdom is knowledge applied. Faith gives us fearless, eye-opening strength in suffering. Our family struggled with the sudden, unexpected loss of our beautiful son. This suffering instilled depths of gratefulness to life. There are no words to describe the pain of losing a child. It relentlessly remains with hope.
On June 1st, 2017 I left a 25-year career in the ice cream business to spend the summer with our children. One summer without paid work. Letting go of the responsibility of a career to concentrate on family. We had endured deep trauma. We struggled to heal. We had plunged into the pitfall of allowing life to live us. Everyone BUT us was controlling our time. Three children by birth and two born through the gift of adoption, had shockingly become four. It was a financial risk for us, yet one desperately required for survival.
A blissful summer flew by. In hopes of continued healing and getting a grip on life, we began homeschooling our children. Who does that, right?! It was a difficult adjustment yet well worth the time and energy! Classical education brought delight. The pace of life slowed. We began to breathe deeply. We learned life together and it was good.
Six months passed as I searched for a new career that did not require extensive travel. One that would allow me the flexibility to be present as wife and mother. Praying for sincere joy and peace led to growth. I had learned much about loss and how to prepare for emergency situations. Being stretched has been painful. My sinful nature seeks the need for control. Walking by faith is difficult. “For those I love, I will sacrifice.” This sentiment was painted on canvas by our oldest daughter and given to me. I thank her and reflect on this daily.
Developing relationships and connecting people toward a common goal is a passion. In business it partners one for growth. The value of this encompassed the last 30 years of my career. During grade school I was inspired by people delighting in a Girl Scout cookie connection. Pure bliss through the sale of sweets, who would have known?
Ah, the assurance of change! Legal lessons piled over in addition to grief. How could we conquer the dark with light? What didn’t we know that could have helped our family? Could sharing this information help others? History teaches victory in preparing versus repairing. Last fall I was blessed to train with The John Maxwell Team. I began speaking to what families need to put in place for their 18+ adult children. Random articles on this subject have appeared in the New York Times and other news sources such as consumer reports.
This relates to HIPAA an acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a US law designed to provide privacy standards to protect patients’ medical records and other health information provided to health plans, doctors, hospitals and other health care providers. This privacy standard also restricts parents from being a parent in an emergency situation. In hopes of making this known I continue to speak out on this topic as well as why a Last Will and Testament is important. If you do not plan for this, your state government will do it for you. 🙂
In May, I became licensed in insurance. Long ago, my husband and I teased that if either one of us passed, our family would be financially sound. However, what if we fell ill or could not work? How would our family manage? In agony, we learned how costly emergencies truly are. We were thankful that our health insurance paid the doctors, hospitals, ambulance and helicopter in part. What about the indirect costs we need to live? Indirect costs are what your insurance does NOT cover. There are many.
If you know me, I investigate before I illuminate. Warning, it is not a pleasant topic, but it impacts many unsuspecting families. Do you have family and friends that have endured a cancer diagnosis, heart attack, stroke, intensive care or accident? Do you see “go fund me” accounts being set up for emergency situations? The policies offered would fill the void for the indirect costs associated with the unexpected.
If you intend to keep your nest egg for retirement, savings for college, money to be gifted to family or simply have not fully considered a back-up plan, please consider this. I am offering supplemental insurance that is paid directly to YOU when a diagnosis or emergency occurs. If you do not use it throughout the term, you receive 100% of your money back. If you use a portion of it, you receive the difference. If you require more than your contribution, be grateful it was in place.
Being transparent – addressing needs to protect individuals and families is much more challenging than selling ice cream for a living. No one wants to think about this. Yet, if you are empowered to be prepared, it is a gift from our loss. We tend to worry about the things we cannot control, instead of putting in place the things we can. Please contact me at [email protected] sooner than later. I look forward to protecting your family and sharing some ice cream in celebration!
Thank you from the bottom of my healing heart!
Peace & Blessings,
P.S. When the world shouts give up – Hope whispers, try it one more time.
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you”— when you already have it with you. Proverbs 3:27-28
Photo: Gatlinburg, TN Smoky Mountains June 2018.