Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

January 2, 2018 2 By MamaC

Last year on this day our Chosen to Shine team was on a mission in Honduras. We left at 3 am on New Years Day to “Start with a Serve!” It was an amazing, life changing trip! 2018 New Years Day was spent setting a leadership growth plan in place for C2S.

When asked the “why” question regarding our non profit it was simple. Life is a journey. In 2014, after losing our son in a tragic accident, life abruptly stopped for us. Shock, grief and disbelief was the culprit. Two months later, one of our son’s dear friends passed away. Another family was reeling in similar circumstances. At both funerals, I watched the young people. Most of them had never experienced adversity of such magnitude. In what way could we, as adults, help our children be prepared for such a mountain? How can the urgency of living each day, planning for the future, yet enjoying life as it is gifted to us, be explained? Leadership.

The past three years Chosen to Shine has offered social events and serve opportunities. In 2018, we will take that to a new level of leadership with events, classes and training. Gifting young adults knowledge to understand what they have within themselves. Connecting them with opportunities to learn, grow and use those skills in giving back to others. When we serve we step outside of our own circumstances and open our eyes to other lives. Growth.

In Honduras, we could immediately see the effects of poverty. We saw children smiling and laughing in challenging circumstances. Their parents gratefully waited in line for medical care. We saw loss in abundance daily. It made our woes seem insignificant. Three of the young adults that went on this trip indicated a desire to come back and teach at the children’s ranch we visited. THAT is growth and change! Did they take a risk on a trip? Indeed! Their reward was gaining a new perspective on life outside of where they lived. Do we need to go to a third world country to experience this, no. Is is an opportunity of a life time, yes.

“If I ever get the chance to return to Honduras, I will. I think everyone should experience giving back to a community of people who have less than they do. It is a choice that makes you grow as a person and opens your mind to a whole different world.” Erika Clark Age 19

“We visited Rancho Ebenezer, which is a children’s ministry of World Gospel Outreach that serves “abandoned, orphaned and displaced children from birth to [eighteen] years of age.” The part that caught my attention the most was Ebenezer Academy, which is the school at the ranch. It provides a bilingual Christian education. This Academy accepts North American teachers, and I would possibly like to do this someday!” Shelby Steinmeyer Age 20

“Honduras is an amazing place. No only are you helping people in need and gaining a new perspective on life, but you are also growing in your faith. Honduras taught me how blessed my life has been. I will always cherish the relationships I’ve made.” Claire Cunningham Age 18

May 19-26, 2018 our Chosen to Shine team will serve again in Honduras. We are looking for those that want a life changing experience! We invite ALL people age 18+ or minors, age 16+ with an adult. In addition to those desiring growth, we are a medical mission team. We welcome anyone in (or training in), medical, dental or optical fields! If you would like to help but cannot make the trip, please feel free to use the “donate” button at the bottom of our website:   chosentoshine.org. If you would like to join our serve team please message mamac@chosentoshine.com.

Happy New Year! We hope you join us at Chosen to Shine in 2018!

Choose everyday to Shine, Look Up & Be Happy!


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5