Love is colorblind…
This summer, one of my best friends from high school asked me if I would consider watching her 13 children. YES, I said 13! I expected to be “in charge” of her children for several days, as she and her husband, married over 30 years, enjoyed a MUCH deserved vacation. They were celebrating his 70th birthday. I prayed, agreed and was NERVOUS to say the least! When we first adopted, I remember thinking, HOW DOES SHE DO THIS?! I called her many times in desperation and within seconds she turned my tears of frustration into laughter. She has the gift of finding humor in all things children.
What I witnessed upon arrival at her home, was 13 well adjusted, loved, respectful and mostly obedient 🙂 children/teenagers. On a whiteboard were assignments for each child. Not just chores, but encouraging descriptions such as “social activities director.” They all embraced their duties without reminders. Dinner, laundry, caring for siblings with physical disabilities, schoolwork and the list continued. The permission to treat for medical care that was left for me, was my favorite. It read, “Lauri Cunningham is being left in the care of my children.” The kids and I had many laughs over that! I imagine it was written in the wee hours of the morning preparing for a vacation leaving 13 children, OR she knew truth!
I could tell, of all the fun things we did, ice cream we ate, or talent show given. However, the bottom line is: WHAT A BLESSING THESE CHILDREN ARE! Every one of them! They come from different countries, backgrounds, and each child has a story, mostly heartbreaking, UNTIL they unpacked their suitcase in THIS home. Two of these children have the gift of down syndrome. These two rascals are hilarious and love without bounds! One kept insisting I wash my tattooed arm. The beautiful, talented child of God that faces Spinal Muscular Atrophy, is inspiring! Three of the teens also have jobs, that require juggling responsibilities in both places. They may not realize how extraordinary their lives are and have become, but someday the world will be blessed by each of them!
I believe we are ALL blessed with gifts. This friend of mine, was blessed in many ways, but mostly as a big hearted, follower of Christ. Years ago, she said to me, “I would love to have a dozen children!” My response: “Oh NO you wouldn’t?!” Guess what, she has a bakers dozen! This is not about her, (because she told me it wasn’t.) It is about how she has taken her gifts and used them help others, MANY others. 🙂 These children have a found a home filled with faith, relentless parenting, organized chaos, and most importantly love.
With all that is going on in our world, I love that I have friends that are colorblind! If only we could ALL give grace to one another, no matter the color of our skin. Jesus said to forgive not seven, but seventy times seven. Through Christ, we are forgiven. We are expected to forgive others, always walking by faith. It seems that the first time of forgiving, is so difficult. My friends children have had many reasons NOT to forgive. They have been through unfathomable loss. What I witnessed in their home was forgiveness, love, mercy and mostly grace. (No Grace, included in the 13, this is not just about you. Although you are VERY loved!)
I am forever grateful for the opportunity to see inside a miracle in progress! What does LOVE require of us? I believe I saw amazing love. This may not be your calling, but you have one, maybe more. You are invited to the Lord’s table. Don’t just go to the table to eat, feast my friends! He gave you life, don’t waste it!
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy-seven times! Matthew 18:21-22