

May 26, 2017 0 By MamaC

After loss I realized how simple tasks seemed difficult.  Getting organized helps de-stress and bring a smile. Not my usual blog post, however, I am sharing in hopes of helping others enjoy the journey!

Organization is key!

In the food industry there is a term for having everything ready and in place before you begin cooking, “Mise en place”. Definition: A place for everything and everything in it’s place. It is one of the first things I was taught while working with chefs. If you are not organized, you will waste time running around for items and ingredients during the creative process.

Whether you work outside the home or in your home on a regular basis, some days it begins to seem like chaos all around. As you walk in the door to hungry faces after a long day of driving and appointments or you finally get your children into bed, the messy house can be overwhelming. When it is time to clean up, organize or just purge, how can you do this and actually accomplish something to sit back and smile about?

For success, it is mandatory to have a goal set. When things need to be completed, spend the time to think things through before setting out to do them. Have a plan and work your plan, key to accomplishments! The following is simply a guide that may help in tasks that seem insurmountable!

  • Take time to organize your thoughts on paper as to what needs to be done. Planning makes it easier!
  • Look at your home by room and decide what you would like to accomplish.
  • Put an estimated time on each task to complete.
  • Break it down into sections. For instance, kitchens can take some time due to so many working parts.
  • What time of day may work best for you to work your plan? It may be 5 or 15 minutes here or there.
  • Divide a room by jobs to complete and write your plan.
  • Do not let one job lead to another, stay on task to fully complete one area.
  • If you see another opportunity for organizing or purging, add it to your plan.
  • One touch process has helps immensely with being efficient. When the mail comes, only touch it once. It either goes into the trash, or important information has a home of its own. Kids scheduling goes on a bulletin board, bills go into a file once paid. Try to touch what comes in only once and be done with it. The piles of papers can get ridiculous, yes?
  • Purging is mandatory! If you haven’t worn it or used it in a year, donate or sell it!
  • If it is a memory item to keep, have a tub for those items and when it is full reconsider importance of these items as needed.  Keeping memories after loss is important!
  • Look at what you have to keep and organize with containers first. Do not purchase storage items until you know what you actually need.
  • Life is always more fun with a friend. IF you have one that would join you in a big project that would help you stay on task, they may have a more objective opinion when purging.
  • Ask them and then return the favor at their home. It’s also good for the heart to share in accomplishments!

Once you accomplish any part of your plan, walk outside, look up, thank Him and be happy!  It’s the simple things!

Peace and blessings!


But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. 1 Corinthians 14:40

All answers are in the good book 🙂

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