A prayer for Mother’s missing a child on Mother’s day…
Father please remind me that your love is stronger than any love I have felt for my child. Allow me to remember that You are my child’s Father and always do what is best for us, your children. Knowing that death is the result of sin and that you do not desire this for any of your children, bring peace to our hearts. Thank you for sending your son with the promise of eternal life in heaven to all who believe. Thank you for the gift of my child on this and every day. Please be with all Mother’s as we mourn the loss of our children on this earth, knowing they were a gift given by you, eternally. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
It is surreal that this weekend marks the third Mother’s Day missing our oldest child. Our family is moving forward in this life, anticipating our eternal life. Our faith is strong that he is in heaven with our Father. Naturally, as his Mother, I felt guilt for what I should or could have done to keep him safe. (mom guilt = nothing good) Could we, as his parents, have prevented this great loss? Did we teach him all that he needed to leave home? Of course we did! Only last week, MY Mother gently reminded me, that we ALL do the BEST we can to teach our children what we know.
Sadness has enveloped our life for two and a half years now. We have been tormented with the fear that he will be forgotten or that we will forget something of him. We realized we are beginning to blur what was here when he was here, to what is new in this life. We all give our best to move forward knowing that he is forever a part of us. The loss of our child, was like losing our hearts that keeps the blood pumping, giving us life here on earth. We are all better because of the amazing gift of 19 years with him. He said to walk outside, look up and be happy. It’s what he did. He would want that for us. We taught him how, yet through loss, forgot this ourselves. We are reminded by loving people that he is NOT forgotten. These acts of kindness are unexpected and appreciated beyond words.
Grief and loss are in our hearts forever, but never stronger than love. Living intentionally in God’s light, shining through Him, gives us all purpose. For without the promise of eternal life, none of this would be possible. We have all had selfish desire for him to be here on this earth with our family, since he left. Each morning that we are blessed to open our eyes, we must remember that today is a gift, hence the present. Set out with a goal to make a simple, positive difference in someone else life. Look into someone’s eyes and smile. It doesn’t matter how many smiles you get in return, you have given them a free gift. Shine, so that others may see Him through you, and want to know how or why this is possible!
I pray that when you have a chance to add value or an act of kindness to others, that you do. You may never get that chance again. The moment will pass and the opportunity or person is gone. Last fall, I observed a blind man walking down a busy street in Chicago. I noticed in his path, a man on a ladder, putting up a flag. I thought, OH, I pray he sees the man and warns him! He climbed down from the ladder, looked at the man and went inside, leaving the ladder in his path. I knew I could not warn him in time. As the blind man’s head smacked into the ladder, the ladder owner, walked back outside. He witnessed it all and never said a word to the man. Integrity is doing the right thing when no one else is looking. In today’s world, and yesterday’s, SOMEONE is always looking. Stop thinking of what you could have, would have or should have done, and do it. Seize each opportunity with intention to make a difference and remember to look up and rely on Him always!
Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all that have been, or are, a Mother to someone! You are loved and appreciated!
Peace & Blessings,
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. James 1:2-6