April Fool’s Day was Connor’s favorite day. Each year his pranks were funnier than the last. Two years ago I was awokened by his sister yelling help from the hallway bath. In my sleep stupor I ran down the hall to find the bathroom locked from the outside with his sister locked inside. I couldn’t figure out for several minutes why the doorknob had been turned, around awaiting his first victim of the day.
At the kitchen sink, someone left a milk jug sitting next to the sink, not washed out for the recycle bin. Of course, I asked who left this here? As I turned on the faucet to rinse it out the sink sprayer full force soaked the front of me…as his siblings laughed into tears…he knew me well enough to know my every move.
I went upstairs to get ready and thought my toothbrush seemed to taste a bit salty…I worked from home all day dealing with a very slow computer. Connor had already left for school when all of his pranks were realized. Upon his arrival home, he grinned asking how my day was. I politely thanked him. He asked if my work day was productive and I shared how slow things were today for some reason. He laughed and proceeded to “fix” my mouse back to normal speed…and so the day went on.
Last year he enlisted his younger brother Calvin to change all the clocks in the house to 7am, got breakfast out and woke his youngest sister up to get ready for school…at 10pm. She was such a good sport about it and laughed when she realized what they had done. Thank goodness! In the morning she agreed to take pics with the clocks and thought it was quite the April fools trick, even if it was on her. What a good sport!
In her defense, I foiled the entire top of his car and Saran wrapped the sides. 😀 He agreed that was a good one, for a mom…this year there were no tricks, no tom foolery. It was too hard to be funny without our prankster. We do all have a laugh thinking of his fun and laughter. Maybe next year…
It is all these wonderful memories that helps the healing. You and your family make me smile daily. Thank you
Love the fun you all have as a family
Lauri I enjoyed reading this. My dad as you may recall was a big prankster.