Second Chances…
In our home hang these words:
We do second chances. We do grace. We do real. We do mistakes. We do I’m sorrys. We do loud really well. We do hugs. We do family. We do love.
I truly believe in second chances. I am thankful in my life full of mistakes and sinful choices that I have been given second chances. We have “do overs” with our youngest that give a chance to think through things and try again. I believe that mercy and grace given to me should so be passed along to others. Connor despised when people judged others. I remember him flying into a room, full of distress, when he had heard of a group of “haters” promoting their cause. No matter what the sin of choice, it is not our place to judge others, only to forgive and love as Christ did and does for us.
My perspective on life and chances has changed over these past 141 days. We don’t always get a second chance to make a good choice. I remember being a teenager and young adult. It was hard making choices that would be good for myself and others. Forever there have been those that influence negative choices being awesome! Just try it! Let’s get “TURNT” or “turn up”! For those without kids living in their home currently, among other things, this means to get wasted, party, high or drunk according to urban dictionary. (and I thought turnip was a root vegetable.) 😀
We all want what is best for our children. We want to protect them. We want them to make the choices we didn’t always make. As kids, we just want to enjoy life and have fun! I did not always make choices God’s law commands. I was a young adult full of life, excited about my future and wanting fun. Connor used to always say that I had many fun stories in life and that I was keeping him from having times to make fun stories. I did not always elaborate on the many times that I set out for fun and made a choice that did not lend to a good ending or story worth telling. Anytime you are having real fun, you will want to remember it, not escape it by feeling the need to “turn up”. The best things in life happen when you are fully engaged in living, not fully “crunk”.
Only God knows why some of us live through these times and others do not. Connor and I had a conversation just before he left for school about making intentional moves and thinking things through. He told me how I worried to much and did I have any idea what the chances were of anything happening to him? I passionately explained that he held part of my heart in his life and I was not willing to risk losing my heart or him. This conversation was just in general, but I remembered leaving home and how overwhelming life choices could be.
Living life with intention is of the utmost importance. You choose to do this, or not. Bad things happen to good people, whether you are young or old. Accidents happen, even just crossing the road. Connor was not invincible, we are not invincible, YOU are not invincible. God is invincible.
Last week I had a conversation with our child that had made a simple bad choice. When we spoke, I explained that even though we give second chances in our home on occasion, this is not always true in life. Immediately the realization came to this child that Connor did not get a second chance to cross the street. Words in our home have much greater meaning now.
Seek God first in all you do – then His light will shine on the road you should take. Anonymous
Photo above: View “looking up” in the “doctor’s office.”