Heavenly Hearts…
I wonder how Heaven is sweet boy? The love there must be overwhelming. I can only imagine the music, no headphones necessary, perfect surround sound, brilliant shine and peace.
Last Valentines Day, I helped you wrap gifts that you were so excited to give to a girl. I was happy to see your loving heart. She is now a part of our lives each week. I know for this, you would be thankful, as we are. We can see why you loved her. She is beautiful inside and out.
Each holiday without you makes our loss more real. I pray that others never have to feel this pain. We have a choice each day to fearlessly keep moving, keep loving, keep looking up and being happy, through Him! All of these things you chose each and every day, so too will we. This Valentines Day we will remember the love you brought to our lives. We are grateful for past years filled with your music and laughter. Keeping a smile while our hearts heal, we love you and miss you dear son! MamaC
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:18-19