Good grief lifeguard…
Good Grief….an exclamation of irritation, frustration, or surprise.
Lifeguard…a person whose job is to protect swimmers from drowning.
I have learned that grief comes in waves. Some days grief pushes up gently to the day and other times it hits like a tidal wave. Breathing is difficult when you are in a tidal wave. Grief has no time line, no warning and does not discriminate. I am grateful I can open my eyes under water…to see the Light and eternal lifeguard.
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him here is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5
Connor at Splashcity Summer 2014
I think you should get in touch with a publisher & turn your blog into a book…….I love the insight God is blessing you with. Love this picture, too.