Men of C.L.A.S.S.
Traveling through this new journey in life, I look back at things I’ve written to my children. I was touched by all the children and young adults that braved coming to Connor’s celebration of life. I know for many this was the first time they had been to a funeral or lost a friend. I believe God was with them as he is each and every day, helping them to be strong, if only they would pray. The following was something I wrote to Connor during his teen years. I share with you and pray it is helpful to you, whom he loved.
“I pray each day to be the true person God would want me to be. Every day is a challenge because we are all sinners. Having two personalities and hiding one from others is not being true to yourself or God. Remember when you were younger and I used to say only do what you would do holding my hand & Jesus’s hand? It really was to help clarify only being one person. Repentance brings the split personality together and restores integrity to life. When a proud person is humbled, (as I have been many times!) then the elevated self is reunited with the true self. Proud is a four letter word. Be the person looking forward to Heaven’s gates. When you make a mistake twice it is not a mistake, it is a choice. Always be pure in heart & have integrity.” Love you, Mom
Today Connor was to be initiated into Pi Kappa Phi fraternity at Truman State University. He was stoked to be a part of this group of young men. Their motto is: “We will lead” and we are “men of C.L.A.S.S.” Character, leadership, achievement, scholarship and service. Connor represented all of these things throughout his life. Most importantly he knew the bottom line, the truth and love of Christ. Congratulations to his pledge class and may you lead holding Jesus hand.
Exodus 18:21
“Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.”