We LOVE Camp Piasa!
Our family LOVES Camp Piasa Lutheran Summer Camp! I was a camper there for the first time thirty eight years ago! My camp fun included the privilege of being a life guard & Junior Counselor in the 80’s. John and I have been Unit 1 counselors for nine years this past summer of 2014! Camp is a place where you are free to be, learn, play, make new friends, and most importantly SING camp songs! Our kids have been camp brats (when you are too young to be a camper but are there with your family), campers and also members of the beloved JC’s! The following is a dedication to Camp and to Connor from a fellow JC and Camp director’s son, Ryan Harrison. I believe he says it all…
There’s something special about this place. It is a place where elephants roam the woods, cardboard boxes become super secret clubhouses, invisible bugs terrorize the dinning hall, back corners have their own parades, and candy becomes a legitimate currency. It’s my favorite place on Earth, and I know it was his, too. It’s the one place where anyone can unwind be truly be themselves all day “ling.” But aside from the playful antics and mischievous traditions that often come to mind, there is real power in these woods. For those fortunate enough to be a part of this experience, Camp is home. And there is nothing more exciting than that first day back to Camp every summer. But today, as a fellow JC is laid to rest, I can’t help but think of how awesome it must be for Connor to stand on the tables shouting praises and giving thanks in the presence of the Almighty in the real Camp Piasa up above – a homecoming incomprehensibly more powerful, more beautiful and more meaningful than anything I could ever hope to experience here on Earth. What an incredible reason to celebrate. Keep Singing, Connor. I know we will be.