Happy Message…

Happy Message…

May 16, 2015 4 By MamaC


Connor’s message is one of happiness and love that he shared with me always.  Today marks 30 weeks and 210 days without my kindred spirits call.  I share this with you and hope that he brings a smile to you, as he does to me, each and everyday.

John had joined me on a work trip to Las Vegas the week before Connor left us.  Like many families with several children, we don’t normally get away by ourselves.  Now matter where I was, I spoke with Connor everyday.  When he left for school it was one of the hardest times for me, as it is for many parents.  The oldest child leaving home, for a new adventure in college, is challenging on the heart.  I tried hard not to bother him, even as I worried.  He faithfully called or texted me, to let me know he was good.  Rarely did he call distressed.  He was happy and enjoying himself.  Change and the first semester away for many young adults, can bring them home quickly.  If Connor was homesick, he surely did not show it.  When he was struggling with 17 hours, ROTC and pledging a fraternity, he called and asked for ideas on how to manage it all.  He knew with five kids and working parents we could help in time management.  He was turning the tides and things were beginning to flow for him, as we spoke about this only hours before he left us.

I realize I’m a bit unusual…the word proud always makes me cringe.  I felt Connor was a huge blessing and gift to us.  Anytime someone would lovingly say, “you must be so proud,” I immediately felt uncomfortable.  I have found that the moment you think all is grand, you will get a reminder of who is really in charge and how sinful we all are.  Life here on earth may be short, you never know from day to day what lies ahead.  Be kind, love deeply, forgive always, look up and be happy.  MamaC

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4