Passion to equip

Passion to equip

November 22, 2017 0 By MamaC

Last night as we presented our passion to equip parents with legal and insurance necessities for their 18 years or older, adult children, a horrific accident happened on I-55 near our home. Two daughters in the same family were lost. Please take a moment today to pray for all families involved.

Each time there is tragic news of another young adult being hurt, I wonder if their parents are sitting at the hospital unable to have input or receive information on their adult child. Yesterday, it was asked why people would want to attend our “put in place – just in case” event. No one wants to think about anything happening to their children. Agreed! However, IF something does, wouldn’t you rather be prepared with legal documents that would give you access to act on their behalf? Friends, due to privacy acts in place, you have NO rights to get medical information on the people you have raised! It is quite eye opening to walk into a hospital and realize you have no authority without a Power of Attorney for your adult child.

A daughter fell off of a rock wall at college and was unconscious. Her parents rushed to her side. They were unable to be given information due to privacy laws with no Power Of Attorney. NOTHING is more important than getting this taken care of today. Don’t put it on a to do list. Do it. Accidents are unexpected and happen daily. The next time we offer this information, please consider joining us. Rene Butler, Attorney at Law is also the Madison County Public Guardian and Administrator. She as well as Matt Crider, our experienced insurance partner, donate their time each month at our event. This is FREE information! The money you would spend on putting in place, a “Power of Attorney” and a “Will” is nothing compared to what you spend repairing, for not being prepared. We know this from experience. Peace of mind is acquired with a clear mind, not under duress.

There is MUCH more discussed at our event than just getting a POA and a will. The questions being asked help everyone understand. Knowing your insurance policy, how it works, and what you truly need in coverage is crucial BEFORE you need it. We have seen and continue to hear of incidents daily. There is not much in this life we control. THIS is one place you can help yourself, and your family.  Check calendar for our next event.

As your child’s 18th birthday approaches, decisions on life and who will take care of their medical and property if they are unable, is a true call to adulthood. You may not want to hear this, but if you need it, you will wish you had. It’s not depressing, its empowering.

Peace & Blessings,


Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4: 6-7

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